
What's The Deal With Functional Exercise?

What's The Deal With Functional Exercise?

Functional exercise is a term that gets thrown around loosely – it’s hard to know exactly what a person means when they say they practice functional fitness. In my case, the term functional exercise conjured up triggering images of balancing on one leg on a BOSU ball while performing a shoulder press for a long time. It wasn’t until I came to better understand what functional fitness is at its core that I began to appreciate why it can be so beneficial to those practicing it when done well.

Whole Body Cryotherapy: Will It Help Me Lose Weight?

Whole Body Cryotherapy: Will It Help Me Lose Weight?

Cryotherapy is a blanket term for any type of “super-cooling” to the body. Applying an ice pack to a localized area to reduce inflammation is a form of cryotherapy. Whole body cryotherapy is a relatively new method of cooling the entire body by entering a chamber cooled to temperatures as low as -200°F to -300°F while wearing minimal clothing for two to four minutes. The whole body cryotherapy trend has exploded across the country, touted as a method of therapy able to decrease inflammation, help with muscle pain post exercise, and treat medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Numerous whole body cryotherapy clinics claim it can be used to expedite weight loss – a claim that could create a multi-billion dollar industry if proven to be true. At an average cost of $70.00 per session, I would want to be absolutely sure the treatment will result in the weight loss I hoped for. Here’s a breakdown of the latest arguments both for and against using whole body cryotherapy for weight loss.

Is 10,000 Steps a Day Really Enough?

Is 10,000 Steps a Day Really Enough?

How much physical activity do I need? This is a question I have continuously received throughout my career as a personal trainer, and it is a loaded one. The honest answer is that it depends. If we were to get really specific, how much daily physical activity you need is dependent on what your goals are and your current fitness level. Although the exact level is different for every person, there are helpful, research based physical activity guidelines available to make answering this question much easier for the everyday public.  

Free Weights Versus Machines: Which Is Better?

Free Weights Versus Machines: Which Is Better?

The time old question I undoubtedly get asked again and again is “should I use free weights or machines when I lift? Which is better?” Neither free weights nor machines are good or bad - they are just different. Whether or not you choose a dumbbell chest press over a machine chest press depends entirely on what your goals are and what you are trying to ultimately accomplish.  Here are a few general guidelines as to whether machines or free weights are for you.

Is Personal Training Worth It?

Is Personal Training Worth It?

Is personal training worth it? This can be a difficult question to answer from a consumer’s standpoint, because when you purchase personal training, you essentially purchase a promise. You buy personal training with the hope that it will ultimately get you to your goals. Personal training often comes with a high cost and time commitment, so is the risk really worth the reward?

Why Do I Gain Weight After I Start Exercising?

Why Do I Gain Weight After I Start Exercising?

Dozens of newcomers flood into gyms in their neighborhood every year around January 1st to begin their new lease on life and finally lose the extra weight they’ve been meaning to lose for years. Over the next 4-6 weeks, the cardio machines and group ex classes are packed, until it slowly dies back down to the gym regulars nearing the beginning of March. Out of every 100 people who sign up for a gym membership, only about 3 continue to go consistently one year later. The first three months of starting a new program are the most difficult to stay engaged. My belief is that most people get discouraged shortly after starting, because they are not seeing the results they were hoping for at all. If you have ever gained weight after starting an exercise program, you are not alone. Most people gain weight when they begin exercising before they lose weight. Not only is this discouraging, but it leads many to believe that something is inherently wrong with them, and that they will never be able to shed the pounds. I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you, and there are several reasons as to why you’re not losing weight when you exercise. 

Resistance Training During Pregnancy

Resistance Training During Pregnancy

Most women know they should exercise during their pregnancy for both their own health and the health of their baby, but it is not nearly as clear as to which types of exercise are safe. The safety of resistance training is a major question, particularly for women who are already regularly active and would like to keep up with their routine as much as possible. Fortunately, resistance training during pregnancy can not only be safe, but also help to manage common aches/pains and prepare for labor/delivery.

What Is Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Why Is It Important

What Is Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Why Is It Important

Anterior pelvic tilt is a condition characterized by the pelvis being tilted forward so that the front part of the pelvis is lower than the back. This causes the stomach and buttocks to protrude. Anterior pelvic tilt can cause a number of symptoms and should be corrected in order to avoid chronic pain.

Resistance Training: Differences between Strength, Size and Endurance

Resistance Training: Differences between Strength, Size and Endurance

A common question we get asked is how many reps is best when you’re resistance training. Unfortunately there isn’t a black and white answer. It truly depends on what your training goal is. There are three main goals people have when they resistance train, muscle strength, hypertrophy (muscle size) or muscle endurance. For each of these different goals the amount of exercises, repetitions and weights you should use change.

Are You Just Sore or Are You Injured?

Are You Just Sore or Are You Injured?

Feeling soreness after a hitting the gym is a natural part of any workout routine. Injury, on the other hand, is far more serious and may require attention/treatment from a medical professional. Usually if you tried a new workout that your body was not familiar with, it’s likely that you will experience some level of soreness even if you’re physically fit. Pain however, doesn’t always lead to gains—and pain definitely isn’t needed in order to see gains. Either way, sometimes that pain can mean you’re actually injured. Knowing the difference between the two is crucial to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle for the long haul.

All About Foam Rolling

All About Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a form of SMR, or self-myofascial release.  SMR is a fancy technical term for the act of self-massaging muscles to release muscle tension.  It has become the go-to for gym goers across the country as a way to increase flexibility, prevent muscle soreness, increase athletic performance, decrease back pain, and even cure cellulite. These claims all sound incredible, but what exactly is happening when you foam roll and what benefits can you actually expect to see?