resistance training

Resistance Training During Pregnancy

Resistance Training During Pregnancy

Most women know they should exercise during their pregnancy for both their own health and the health of their baby, but it is not nearly as clear as to which types of exercise are safe. The safety of resistance training is a major question, particularly for women who are already regularly active and would like to keep up with their routine as much as possible. Fortunately, resistance training during pregnancy can not only be safe, but also help to manage common aches/pains and prepare for labor/delivery.

Resistance Training: Differences between Strength, Size and Endurance

Resistance Training: Differences between Strength, Size and Endurance

A common question we get asked is how many reps is best when you’re resistance training. Unfortunately there isn’t a black and white answer. It truly depends on what your training goal is. There are three main goals people have when they resistance train, muscle strength, hypertrophy (muscle size) or muscle endurance. For each of these different goals the amount of exercises, repetitions and weights you should use change.